Welcome From The Pastors
We are delighted you chose to visit our website here at First Baptist! We trust you will discover the joy that is found in honoring and exalting our Lord and hope that you leave this site with a better idea of our community. We personally want to invite you to attend our church, and we encourage you to be engaged in Worship. Feel free to stand, sit, or raise your hands. The Lord has something to teach each one of us. May our hearts be open to His voice as we worship Him together. After the service, please join us in the foyer so we can greet you personally. Have a great day, and we look forward to seeing you soon! |
What To Expect
Our church gathers each Sunday morning for Worship at 11 am. We also strongly encourage you to connect with one of our Bible Fellowships at 9:30 am on campus or one of our Bible Fellowships throughout the week.
Whether you like a suit and tie or jeans and a t-shirt you are welcome to join us. If you have children they can find a place in First Kids. We want you to feel welcome and comfortable so visit the Connection Center in the foyer or talk with a greeter and we will help you make this home.
Here are some answers that you may still be looking for:
How many people usually come on the weekends?
Generally, well over 300 people visit our campus every weekend.
What is a Bible Fellowship class?
Bible Fellowship classes at FBC Roswell consist of people of all ages who are building relationship and learning to follow Jesus.
Is there a difference between on-campus and off-campus Bible Fellowships?
No, other than time and location, our Bible Fellowship are all focused on building Christ-centered community through relationships and encouraging one another to follow Jesus.
What do I do if I have young children for Worship?
During the worship hour our dedicated preschool staff cares for children ages 0-5. The children enjoy their own worship times, snacks, activities, and a bible study. Preschool is also available during the 9:30 am on-campus Bible Fellowships. A secure check-in is located at our First Kids desk located around the corner from the Worship Center.
Is there a place for elementary age children?
Yes! On Sunday Mornings we have Children's Bible Fellowship Groups at 9:30 am. During the worship service, we encourage families to sit together and utilize our Family Worship Guides to help children engage in worship. Our nursery and preschool rooms are open for children during the worship hour, childcare is recommended for that age group, but not required. On Wednesdays, we offer AWANA for K-5th grade kids at 6 pm. You may check your children into our secure children’s area at the First Kids desk located just around the corner from our Worship Center.
Are there any activities for teens?
Yes! Bible Fellowships for Grades 6th-12th meet at 9:30 am on Sunday mornings in the Moore Building located on the Kentucky Street side of our campus. Wednesday evenings the students enjoy Strive, a worship service designed for them. You can find more information about Strive Student ministries here.
What is expected of me as a participant at FBC Roswell?
Our passion at FBC Roswell is to equip our people to live intentional lives for Christ. Come ready to worship and to hear God's Word.
How do I join FBC Roswell?
You can join by responding to the invitation after each service (after you are presented as a perspective member, we will schedule a time for you to speak to a pastor) or by contacting our church office at 575-623-2640 to set up an appointment with a pastor first. In this time, we would love to hear your testimony about coming to faith in Christ and your obedience to believer’s baptism. We also welcome the opportunity to answer any questions you may have about the church, getting involved in a small group, or finding a place to serve in our church family during this appointment.
What now?
Experience a full week at FBC Roswell by going to Bible Fellowship and Worship, also by visiting us on a Wednesday night at one of our Life Classes or by sitting in with your child or teenager during First Kids, or Stive. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our church staff at 575-623-2640 or office@fbcroswell.org.